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JT is an open data format to view and share 3D product information.

JT was originally developed by Engineering Animation, Inc. and Hewlett Packard as the DirectModel toolkit (initially Jupiter). After several acquisitions, JT became a part of UGS Corp.'s suite of products. Early in 2007 UGS announced the publication of the JT data format as a master 3D format. Also in 2007, UGS was acquired by Siemens AG and became Siemens PLM Software, JT is now the common interoperability format and has been adopted as the long term data archival format across all of Siemens.

On 2009 September 18 the ISO stated officially that the JT specification has been accepted for publication as an ISO Publicly Available Specification (PAS). On 2012 December, JT has been officially published as ISO 14306:2012.

CAD Interop distributes several softwares to view, translate and compare JT files. Find below the list of our solutions compatible with JT format: