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I-deas Master-Series is a CAD system developed by SDRC and Siemens PLM.

I-DEAS file extensions are
.mf1, .mf2 (model file)
.prt (Part)
.asm (Assembly)
.drw, .asc (Drawing)
.pkg (package file)
.arc, .unv, .prg (I-deas Archive, Manufacturing Universal & Program files)
.lis (Model solution results file)

I-DEAS supported native or neutral formats are STL, JT, IGES, DXF, DWG, STEP, Parasolid, NX (PKG).

CAD Interop distributes several softwares to view, translate and validate I-DEAS files. Find below the list of our solutions compatible with I-DEAS: